Sugar Free Jolly Rancher Hard Candy

Sugar Free Jolly Rancher Hard CandySugar Free Jolly Rancher Hard Candy is one of the best sugar free snacks we’ve reviewed here at Hershey’s sugar free version of the extremely popular Jolly Rancher brand is an excellent addition to their sugar free lineup, with a burst of fruit flavor that rivals it’s sweet cousin’s.

Our friends over at have a rundown of the original Jolly Rancher flavors. We were pleased to see that the four flavors of the sugar free version were not a great departure from the five of the original Jolly Ranchers. The sugar free version loses a cherry flavor and replaces blue raspberry with plain raspberry. Each of the four tasted wonderful and sweet. Sugar Free Jolly Ranchers are definitely going on The Glucoholic’s preferred sugar free snacks list, and we highly recommend it.

Serving size is four pieces, which is convenient since that’s exactly how many tasty flavors there are to enjoy. Each serving contains 35 calories coming from 15 grams of sugar alcohol, which should mean about 8 grams of digestible carbohydrate. There’s a touch of acesulfame potassium, but with a serving only containing 16 grams of mass and the acesulfame potassium being the next to last ingredient in the list, there can’t be much. As with all products containing sugar alcohols we should watch excess consumption. The product also has a milk allergy warning for those who need to be concerned about that.

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1 Comment

  1. “Sugar alcohol” is just deceiving the buyer. Where’s the truth in advertising, like it contains sorbitol, maltitol, etc.? Fifteen grams of sugar alcohol would cause me a full day of watery diarrhea, bloating and pain. When are you people going to replace that poison with other types of artificial sweeteners, so people have a choice?

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